#post 3

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hai apa kabar? Semoga teman-teman selalu baik-baik saja. Di postingan ke 3 ini kita akan lanjut membahas...


What is this??? These days there are pills for just about everything. If you can't sleep, take a pill. If you're sad, take a pill. If you're in pain, take a pill. 
But what about people who are overweight or lack fitness? The best solution for these people is to exercise, but many people don't want to exercise or are unable to exercise. Drug companies are always looking for new pills to sell, and many have spent lots of money on developing a pill for these people too. In the 1990s, scientists working for one of these companies found a new drug that gave mice some of the same benefits as exercise.
Newspapers began reporting on this new drug, calling it the "fitness pill" or "exercise pill". They said it could "build muscle, increase stamina, and even burn fat."

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Nah itu tadi adalah beberapa contoh tampilannya.  Semangat belajarnya ya teman-teman dan jangan lupa sholatnya.
Klo mau ikutan belajar yuk langsung klik aja 👇
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Sekian semoga bermanfaat.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
